"Back in about 1900, one of the wealthiest men in America (in the top 10 at the time), Norman Bruce Ream, built a magnificent estate in Thompson, Conn. and he called it Carolyn Hall. On the main entrance to his estate, just on the left, was an old home, very beautiful, built in the late 1700s. This home was later purchased by Mr. Ream and called Ashleigh either by Norman or someone in his family. The building still stands and is today a dorm house for an upscale prep school called Marianapolis. Marianapolis purchased the estate from the Ream family in the 1930s. You can see pictures of both the estate and Ashleigh in the book called "Echoes of Old Thompson", available on" (This information courtesy of Joseph Iamartino of the Thompson Historical Society)."
Norman B. Ream (1844-1915) was an American businessman. A Civil War
veteran where he became the youngest man to be promoted from private to First-Lieutenant in the Union Army., After the war,
Ream became a millionaire by investing in steel, railroads, insurance, and banking. Ream served on the Board of Directors of
the National Biscuit Company, later known as Nabisco, U.S. Steel, Pullman Company, several insurance and rail companies.
Ream may have had a part in introducing Woodward to Mrs. Ada Moore,
wife of one of the principal founders of the National Biscuit Company, William Moore. She would later become an important
patron of Woodward when he leaves bookplates behind to be a professional landscape artist.However, this
early in his career the link to Ream through Mrs. Moore was most likely initiated by Mary "Minnie" Eliot, Woodward's primary
advocate prior to Mrs. Moore's sponsorship of Woodward. Minnie, wife of Amory Eliot of Boston, is the cousin of RSW 's dear
friend and classmate at Bradley Polytechnic and the Museum of Fine Art School
Joseph Cowell. It is Cowell that recruited Minnie to help RSW after the accident that left him paralysed.