Quick Reference

Time Period:
1927 - 1928

Adams, MA

Chalk Drawing


Mountains, Landscapes & Views

22 x 29

Anna Koch Residence 1928

Charles Stoddard



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Featured Artwork: Greylock Over Adams

RSW's Diary Comments

Woodward did not remark or record his chalk drawings.

Additional Notes

A close up of a factory
A close up of a factory with a smoke stack
and surrounding homes

This chalk drawing came up for auction in July of 2008 at Northfield Auctions in MA. The chalk has a new matte and frame and is in excellent condition. Sold on e-bay for $2,499.

To the right: is a close up of a factory with a smoke stack and surrounding homes. It is one of just a couple rare examples of Woodward including a subject of a modern industrial factory.

A close up view of the title and
Woodward's signature

To the left: is a close up view of the title and Woodward's signature. What is unique about this particular chalk drawing (Woodward typically titled his chalk drawings on the front) is that title and signature are side by side rather than on the left then right respectively.

The Anna Koch Residence Exhibit:

North Adams Transcript, Dec. 10, 1928
North Adams Transcript, Dec. 10, 1928

This small exhibit in the home of Anna Koch is quite unique. For one thing, it is one of only two shows Woodward held that were exclusively chalk drawings (commonly called pastel paintings). For another, Woodward appeared to personalized the event by making a painting of Miss Koch's fireplace which was purchased by the hostess. That painting led to two other commissions for similar paintings of the buyers residence fireplaces. One of which was the husband of Woodward friend and fellow artist, Dorothy Tufts which is titled The Tuft's Living Room. According to the newspapers, all of the 7 pieces that were for sale sold. The eighth painting was commissioned fireplace by Miss Koch.

The Koch residence today
The Koch residence today