Partially cloudy and warm. With Fabian went to Whitingham to finish Red Barns. Worked all day, but did not finish them. Mrs. Vanderbilt and Bill and Jack and cousin Mattie to supper in the studio.
Henry drove his mother, my parents and self to Red Barns in Whitingham where I painted all day. Good line and light.
Harold Goodnow came to work today. Went with him to Wilmington to paint Red Barns.
In the summer of 1932 Woodward was traveling to the Whitingham, VT area quite often near Lake Sadagwa and Mount Haystack. He first began painting Red Barns and Mountains in Summer in July. On a separate trip to the area, also in July, he drew Mount Haystack Over Sadawga. He would finish both Mountains in Summer and Red Barns in September.
For many years this painting has sat in the Unnamed Gallery because no name can be found on its stretcher. It has never exhibited and Woodward never sold it because he kept it for his own personal residence. He also never signed it. This painting's name derives from his consistant reference in his personal diary as "Red Barns," which he capitalized each time he used the name.
The painting was sold during the closure of the RSW estate. It is privately owned in Western Massachusetts.