Quick Reference

Time Period:
Prior to 1919.


Oil on Canvas


Sugaring, Trees





This painting, along with several others were sent to be exhibited at the Bradley Institute, Peoria,IL early in his career and around the time RSW won the Hallgarten Prize.

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Featured Artwork: In The Sugar Bush


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RSW's Diary Comments

There are not many diary comments for paintings this early in the artist career. This is no exception.

When Sap Runs
When Sap Runs, 1930-'31
This is the closest known painting that fits the
description of a sugar bush. Note all the buckets
collecting sap. However, there is another painting
that might be better but the image is terrible.
If you are still interested also see Sugaring

Editor's Note:

This painting hung at a homecoming of sorts for Woodward. He did not attend the 1919 Arts & Crafts Show at his alma mater, the Bradley Polytechnic Institute, in Peoria, IL. He sent 7 paintings (we only know the names of four) as a triumphant return to the school that shaped him more than any other. It just happened to come a month after Woodward was awarded the First Prize in the Hallgarten category for best artist under 35 at the National Academy of Design.

We do not know the subject of this painting but according to Wikipedia, a 'sugar bush' is, "a forest stand of maple trees which is utilized for maple syrup. This was originally an Indigenous camp set up for several weeks each spring, beginning when the ice began to melt and ending when the tree buds began to open. At a traditional sugarbush, all the trees were hand tapped and the sap was boiled over wood fires. The Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) peoples have been doing sugarbush for generations and consider the process both a part of food and of medicine."  Wikipedia

None of the descriptions below even come close to suggesting a building in this painting, we wondered if it might be related to the painting, Sugaring

Additional Notes

RSW re-typed this critique from the Peoria Illinois Journal Transcript from April 27, 1919
RSW re-typed this critique

To the left: RSW had in his papers this re-typed this review of his work from the Peoria Illinois Journal Transcript from April 27, 1919. We do not know why they are typed and not the actual clipping.

From the Springfield Republican, April, 1919

"The imaginative and highly beautiful In the Sugar Bush full of the wildness of the maple grove, with the red sap buckets and the superb old trees."

Links to the other paintings mentioned in the review:

Out of the Mist

Snow Pattern

Along the Hill Road

In August of 1977, Dr. Mark received a letter from a gallery in North Wilbraham, MA, informing Doc their intent to sell the painting named In the Sugar Bush and offered him first shot at purchasing the painting which the letter listed for $1,950.00. Included with the letter was a photograph of the painting, however, the picture has since been lost and as of yet found. We still have hope we will run across it someday.