"Painted in 1932 of birch trees. Hung in dining room at Myles Standish Hotel in Boston in March of 1932..."
"...Dark woodland pocket thru fringe of birch trees in September."
Located this painting in December 2016. It is definitely painted in a style RSW used early in his career. It is signed, however, we could not confirm if it was named because the protective backer board on the back had been glued to the frame (a highly unusual occurance). Woodward typically wrote a painting's name in pencil on the back stretcher and so if this piece is named we wouldn't be able to see it without removing the backer board.
We do have the description of the painting Woodland Edge, in the above notes from a RSW notebook. Given the painting is signed, we believe it is very likely to be Woodland Edge.
Of course, there is an obvious error in these notes, Woodward could not have painted this in September of 1932 and have hung it the summer prior to painting it! So we believe it was painted in 1931 and hung in 1932.
We thank its current owner for their generousity, in both time and access to this wonderful painting. We couldn't be more appreciative.