Quick Reference

Time Period:
Early 1930s

Somewhere between Wilmington
and Marlboro, Vermont.

Oil on Canvas


Landscapes & Views

25 x 30





This oil is very similar to the chalk drawing Vermont Drama. It is unmamed and not signed.

Related Links

Featured Artwork: Unnamed Drama of Vermont

RSW's Diary Comments


Additional Notes

This painting seems to be one of a series of Mount Haystack (VT) paintings painted in 1932. During the summer that year RSW traveled to Whitingham, VT to draw and paint numerous times. The series started with Mount Haystack Over Sadawga and later Mountains in Summer from Whitingham's old common. At the same time he was also working on Red Barns in the area. There was, however, one day he did take a detour to visit the Halifax House. (though father north) but makes no mention of stopping anywhere else to paint or draw. If you are familiar with the area, you have to travel southeast to get to Halifax putting him approximately where we believe this painting was made. We have the 1932 diary! There is not a day we can identify or link to this painting or Vermont Drama for that matter. We want to say it was made in 1932 but cannot.

Vermont Drama
Topographic map of the area shows the ap-
proximate locations from which we believe RSW
painted each piece. With Mount Haystack
Over Sadawga
being the most certain.

It is also not clear whether RSW made the chalk Vermont Drama first and then this painting. It is most likely he made the chalk first. As we learn more about his habits, it appears that Woodward, more often than not, made a drawing or sketch before painting it. It was easier than bringing all his painting supplies, especially on long trips like to Vermont. In 1932, he often brought along a couple of friends to spend the day and picnic leaving less room in the car.

The topographic map to the left shows the approximate locations we believe RSW painted these Mount Haystack paintings. As you can see, we believe he painted this painting from a road that runs along the spine of a hill just north of what is today the Hogback Mountain Conservation Area. You will see from the map that there is a ridge of hills in front of Haystack that closely match the topography of the map.

It is worth noting that the coloring of Vermont Drama and the Unnamed Drama of Vermont are dramatically different, as well as, the skies. It could very well be they were made from two entirely different trips. However, is was not uncommon for RSW to change skies and coloring from one version to another to suit a particular look.